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Gun toting liberals

No, not that one. But Tom is taking a CCW class:

The instructor also surprised me a bit (pleasantly) in claiming that the most dangerous people out there are the ones who think they know how to properly handle a gun, but don’t. And he seemed to include most legal gun owners in this category. He also complained that the eight hours of training required by the state of Tennessee for a CCW permit is nowhere near enough time to cover what’s necessary.

Read it all. And any constructive advice you’d want to give would probably be helpful.

4 Responses to “Gun toting liberals”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    Gee, an instructor calling for more mandatory instruction. I’m shocked, I say, shocked.

  2. tgirsch Says:


    Whether or not I was intended to read that in a Foghorn Leghorn voice, I did so. 🙂

    But I see your point; there can only be self-serving reasons for wanting people to get proper instruction before handling a deadly weapon… :p

  3. Ravenwood Says:

    Affirmative on the Foghorn Leghorn voice… he’s one of my faves.

  4. tgirsch Says:

    And for what it’s worth, the hard sell was reserved for day two. Do anything possible to put fear into the people in the class and say “guess what, we can empower you to overcome this fear that you didn’t have until we put it there…” I pretty much expected this.

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