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Frist: If I’m in jail, I can’t be the prez

From the department of no kidding, WBIR:

Tennessee Senator Bill Frist says an investigation into his sale of stock in a family-founded hospital chain will affect whether he will seek the presidency in 2008.

But the Senate Majority Leader says he has not lost the public’s trust and hopes people wait for the results of the investigation before making any decisions about him. Advertisement

Frist says he did not use inside information in deciding to sell millions of dollars in HCA stock. The sale came two weeks before the stock price dipped by 9 percent.

There could be nothing to his stock sale but if it’s found out there’s a problem, he is done for and he knows it. So, let’s see here:

Frist under investigation
DeLay under investigation
Plame/Miller/Rove/insert name of someone else investigation

Not looking too good for Republicans these days. It’s like there’s a witch hunt or something. Or, you know, shenanigans.

3 Responses to “Frist: If I’m in jail, I can’t be the prez”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    Not looking too good for Republicans these days. It’s like there’s a witch hunt or something. Or, you know, shenanigans.

    Or criminal wrongdoing

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Well, that’s what I meant by shenanigans.

  3. ohmygoodness Says:

    If I were Frist, I wouldn’t be too sure he hasn’t lost the public trust. If he ever really had it.

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