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Term Limits for Judges

Kevin and I don’t agree on much. But when we do, I like to point it out:

First, it turns the justices into just partisan hacks. Regular vacancies would increase the pressure on judges to rule the “right way”. If a person’s future employment depends upon making political patrons happy, then they have almost no chance to develop any independent thought.

One Response to “Term Limits for Judges”

  1. cube Says:

    If you don’t have term limits it also slows the judicary from responding to society. Roberts is going to be on the surpreme court for probably 40-45 years (given medical advancements that are going to be made during his tenure).

    I would not support short term limits, but only term limits longer than the term limits placed on elected politicans. I think the politicans should have term limits first and judges term limits should be (a fair amount) longer than the politicans.

    if the term limts for pliticans is 10 years i would support a 15 year term limit for judges in a single judgeship.

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