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Under construction

Messing around with Google Ads so if you see the template jump around, don’t panic. Also, even better than the ad revenue I may make is watching to see what Ads pop up on a particular post. When the post has questionable content (like one of my posts on gun porn or strippers), it displays a public service announcement.

Update: $0.16 in two hours. That’s $0.08 per hour. I’m rich, bitch! Anyone want to buy my Powerball tickets? I don’t need that pesky $340M anymore.

8 Responses to “Under construction”

  1. countertop Says:

    The ad revenue isn’t very high unless people actually click on it. I asked my readers to click on the American Hunters and Shooters Association and took in almost $30 as a result.

    I noticed though, that I haven’t seen an ad for them since Saturday.

  2. The Comedian Says:

    Asking readers to click on an AdWords ad is a violation of the terms of service.

    You can ask me how I know this, but I won’t answer.

  3. countertop Says:

    What was the response of Google?

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    I’ve heard it said: The first rule of Google ads is, you do not talk about Google ads. The second rule of Google ads is, you DO NOT talk about Google ads!

  5. countertop Says:

    So basically Google wants to run their ads on your space for free.

    Their customers are happy because they get the eyeball traffic, and Google is happy because without asking your readers to check out the Google Ads no one (not a one) is going to actually click on them.

    Sounds like a crappy deal to me.

    What does Google do if you ask your readers to visit their ads?

  6. cube Says:

    What you bought a freaking lotto ticket?

    I guess you can’t win if you are not in.

  7. Standard Mischief Says:

    Normally I’d say something like “ads? what ads?” but that would be snarky. Evidently not everyone uses Firefox with Adblock and Filterset.G, because I know of at least one blogger who makes plenty on the people who visit her site and click on her google ads without being asked. Sorry, Uncle and Countertop, for “stealing” your content w/o the ads. I just hope my comments somewhat make up for that.

  8. SayUncle Says:

    You’re not stealing. I don’t mind at all. I think the google ads work mostly on people who wind up here via a search and not regular readers.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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