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Me so confused

So, I assume that everyone can agree that 23 does not equal 21. This whole naming convention for hurricanes has always bugged me but now it seems the math is off. People keep calling Wilma the 21st storm/hurricane/weather anomaly/whatever this year. But W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. Do we skip letters?

Update: OK, d in comments says we skip Q and U. That was fast.

5 Responses to “Me so confused”

  1. d Says:

    no “Q” and no “U” – basically they have 6 sets of names and they can’t come up with enough for those letters.

  2. Zendo Deb Says:

    Not all storms giving numbers get names. So you can have the 2nd tropical depression and its name can be Andrew, because depression number 1 didn’t make it to Tropical Storm force. (It you”ve ever been in a Tropical Depression, you probably thought you were in a bad storm.)

    Though every Tropical Depression became a storm this year I think…

  3. joe public Says:

    Wilma was Depression Twenty-four before being named. ‘d’ and Zendo Deb are both correct.

  4. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    The big question is: what do they do if there’s another one this year? I don’t think they have X, Y, and Z, either.

    So do they just start at the beginning again, on the list that was intended for next year?

  5. Stormy Dragon Says:

    When they run out of names, they switch to greek letters: Hurricane Alpha, Hurricane Beta, etc.

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