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On the legitimacy of law

Via Gunner, comes this story:

For anyone who has ever said “there oughta be a law,” a Queens politician is offering the opportunity of a lifetime.

Assemblyman Jimmy Meng (D-Flushing) is sponsoring a “Make Your Own Law” contest – inviting his constituents to write legislation with the promise that the best proposal will be introduced as a bill in Albany.

First, in this country we have too many laws that are rather asinine. If you’d like a list of some I take issue with, go here. Now, as if to delegitimize them, we’re giving them away like children’s toys that come free when you add soda and fries. This really makes a mockery of the law, if you ask me.

The politicians will pick the winner to submit as a law. Gunner notes they may be trying to avoid something similar that happened in England:

He likely is trying to avoid what happened in England not so long ago. They let people submit and pick the bills. What occurred when the people finally picked one that would legalize shooting criminals was that politician who promised to submit it commented.

“The People have Spoken – the Bastards”

He also did not submit the bill.

Here’s my idea for a law: Don’t have contests that give away laws.

Update: Ravenwood says the idea stolen was stolen from Pennsylvania. I like his idea for a there ought not be a law contest.

3 Responses to “On the legitimacy of law”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    They stole that from Pennsylvania.

  2. cube Says:

    Actaually there can be all sorts of laws that are created that limit the power of goverment.

    Such as term limits, law that make all other laws sunset after a time, and laws that reduce the pay of politicaians.

    Though in this case all the good laws get screened out.

  3. Kirk Parker Says:

    This contest is so totally backward! Please let’s have a contest for the law we most want repealed!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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