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Miers packs?

David Codrea says so. Could be a sign.

5 Responses to “Miers packs?”

  1. Jay G Says:

    As mentioned in the link, Diane Feinswine also packs. As does Chuck Schumer.

  2. Tam Says:

    Jay G beat me to it.

    Just because our Betters often avail themselves of protective firearms, it doesn’t automatically indicate their belief that the peonage should also be permitted to tote heat.

  3. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Schumer has a license, but I’m told he doesn’t actually carry.

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Feinstein pushed through an ordinance to ban handguns when she was mayor of Frisco, and has subsequently bragged that if she had had the votes, our nation’s ten year “assault” weapon ban with grandfathering would have been a permanent ban on all guns with no grandfathering. I doubt Miers did anything of the sort on the Dallas City Council. Conversely, Miers has written that the RKBA is a precious right our society will not give up. I can’t see Feinschwein or even Scummier writing something like that.

  5. Tam Says:

    …all I said was that possession of a toter’s permit doesn’t automatically a 2nd Amendment absolutist make.

    Reading anything more into my remark is purely a Rorschach exercise.

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