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In which I translate Bush’s address for those not paying attention

Something like this:

My fellow conservatives,

Yeah, we’ve had our issues with the party you nominated (that I happen to be running) spending like drunken sailors, missing the boat on immigration, inflating the federal bureaucracy to the largest it has ever been, and this very questionable nomination for the supreme court that I’ve given you. I understand you guys are concerned. But, dammit, there’s a war on. Can’t we just get back to agreeing on that one issue and that liberals suck.



I will say, however, that it was a decent speech. And we thwarted how many terror attacks? I’d like some proof that all those toenail clippers I’ve had confiscated weren’t in vain.

2 Responses to “In which I translate Bush’s address for those not paying attention”

  1. Mike Says:

    Here you go:

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Wow. Guess they were serious. That is good news.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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