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Today’s idiot: Tyler Eison

I’ve often said that dogs are the product of their owners. Irresponsible owners are usually the cause of dog attacks. Case in point:

“These are not normal dogs,” says Tyler Eison, gazing reverently at a litter of seven-week-old pit bull puppies. “I like having very vicious, angry dogs. I’m going to teach them not to like other dogs. I’m going to agitate them, make them aggressive. That way when it’s about business, they are going to be serious.”

As a real estate investor and auto dealer, Eison, 41, values aggression in his dogs for protecting both himself and his property. “My dogs are my pistols,” he says, cracking a gold-tooth smile. “I have my dogs on my property, and I have faith in them. If they’re coming at you, you have to shoot them to kill them.”

Tough people want tough dogs, but if you want a truly vicious dog you have to create it yourself. With his latest litter of three girls and a boy, Eison is trying to re-create a bloodline of fighting dogs he owned 20 years ago (though he insists his fighting days are long over). He’s making a stud dog out of his prized companion Rock, an eerily silent pit bull with a golden brown coat and pink nose. Rock’s first litter was born in early May, and Eison watched its progress daily to see which of the puppies would develop more of their father’s traits.


Hoping to turn Rock’s offspring into deadly weapons, Eison started antagonizing them when they were around nine weeks old. One afternoon he held an all-brown puppy by its midsection and for several minutes forced it to lie across the neck of one its sisters, who Eison believes might be the pick of the litter. Eison didn’t think the brown pup was willing enough to play rough, so he decided to force it into a scrum. After a minute or so, its sister became angry and began to growl and bite the brown one’s ears. After the incident the brown puppy cowered under a metallic-blue racing motorcycle Eison keeps in the backyard and peed.

An accident (or worse) waiting to happen. Some people shouldn’t own dogs and this guy is one of them.

9 Responses to “Today’s idiot: Tyler Eison”

  1. Metulj Says:

    Sputter. Sputter. Sputter. Ok, I’ve recovered. So you are saying you’d take away that man’s freedom to raise his dogs the way he wants to? Not very Libertarian* of you. You should just go to his place with your gun and if one of those dogs jumps you could kill it! Now that’s freedom.

    *Freedom: for those you can afford it.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Did I advocate passing a law? I’ve never claimed to be Libertarian, but libertarian-leaning.

  3. Metulj Says:

    Always wiggle room with you? Do you like lukewarm baths as well?

  4. Steve Ramsey Says:

    A professional protection dog trainer would gasp.

    This guy is NOT creating dogs for protection.
    He is creating MONSTERS. He is essentially making psychopaths out of them. Totally uncontrolled ones at that.

    And the techniques for creating such monsters is cruel and inhumane, much like this bastard who “used to” fight dogs.

    As far as laws go, yes, I WILL advocate one that would prevent morons like this from abusing dogs into becoming violent ego extentions.

  5. Metulj Says:

    “As far as laws go, yes, I WILL advocate one that would prevent morons like this from abusing dogs into becoming violent ego extentions”

    But what about laws that prevent morons like this owning guns as extentions of their violent egos?

  6. CharlesH Says:

    Seems like current animal cruelty laws should be applicable.

    Metulj, are you honestly confusing libertarian with anarchist, or are you saying stuff you know is stupid to try to get a rise out of people?

  7. Steve Ramsey Says:

    Humans have rights.
    They also have records of behaivior (criminal).
    Felons can’t own guns.

    Guns are not autonomous. Guns cannot hop down the street and shoot someone. Guns are not indiscriminate.

    Guns have the most advanced guidance system known, the human brain.

    These dogs bred and abused into indiscrimate violent behaivior are the equivalent of a V-1 buzz bomb Vs A cruise missile.
    1 is a weapon of terror, the other is a precision guided munition for point target application.

    This guy isn’t simply an animal abuser, he’s creating deadly weapons which even he cannot control, nor wishes to.

    On the libertarian VS anarchist issue, I stand by my descriptor.
    They both blur the definition of freedom VS Liberty.

  8. Jairi ... Says:

    When I first read this article… I immediatly began the search for information on how to contact this man! What he is doing is beyond illegal and immorally WRONG. I have loved, rescued, trained, and been owned by pit bulls for as long as I can remember, and reading this PISSES ME OFF. This guy is abusing the crap out of these dogs to make them mean… Why hasn’t AC done something?


  9. anti stupidity Says:

    damn that is a situation that this guy is going to take to heart . i mean he
    was going to be killed but he let his dog deal with the problem . but in the
    end it should be illegal to have a dog to protect you . dogs were not intended
    to be weapons . fight your own battles . don’t have a dog to protect your family .
    it is just not right .

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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