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Of Arms and the Law

David Hardy has some good stuff, such as international comparisons regarding gun crime that tend to show that guns don’t cause crime.

He also notes that the Joyce Foundation is bankrolling other supposed grassroots groups operated by the same people, to the tune of several hundred thousand more. It appears that these “grassroots” groups have, at best, a tiny handful of members, but they generate press coverage as if they were bona-fide local organizations.

They have to cheat to win.

2 Responses to “Of Arms and the Law”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Well, if it is a functional model that works, I’ll use it when I’m Rich and Powerful.
    But I’ll use it for our side. Think about it – we haven’t cheated to try and win. What if we had someone with Soro’s money and (lack of) ethics, but was pro-2A? Heck, we might even be able to make firearms training mandatory… 🙂

  2. Billll Says:

    Much grass. No roots.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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