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Save the guns!

I signed this petition. Via TriggerFinger, we learn that the .gov has decided to destroy their stock of M14 rifles. This petition is to get them to instead sell them. It will cost the .gov about half a million bucks to destroy them when they could easily make money selling them. It be no problem to convert them to semi-automatic and sell them to the public. In fact, I’d take two. TriggerFinger seems to think that if they were left full-auto, they would be transferable.

Update: In comments, Publicola says it’s not legit:

That’s not legit.The petition is so old it was floating around before Al Gore did his thing with cables & PC’s. I recall seeing it in the late 80’s/early 90’s (it was a fuzzy time back then).

Orest Michaels of the CMP has repeatedly said that the petition is nothing more than wishful thinking for several reasons & to simply ignore it as it’s a waste of energy.

The M14’s aren’t in danger of being destroyed as they’re still being used by the military. Even our .gov isn’t that stupid. Least not today.

Oh well, wishful thinking.

One Response to “Save the guns!”

  1. Publicola Says:

    That’s not legit.The petition is so old it was floating around before Al Gore did his thing with cables & PC’s. I recall seeing it in the late 80’s/early 90’s (it was a fuzzy time back then).

    Orest Michaels of the CMP has repeatedly said that the petition is nothing more than wishful thinking for several reasons & to simply ignore it as it’s a waste of energy.

    The M14’s aren’t in danger of being destroyed as they’re still being used by the military. Even our .gov isn’t that stupid. Least not today.

    But look at the thing. It says DCM. In 96 the DCM became the CMP. The date of the article it quotes is about the time this petition started circulating.

    Don’t get your hopes up. The CMP won’t be getting anything from the military that they’re still using. If they stopped using the M14 the CMP still wouldn’t get them cause “once a machine gun always a machine gun” is the ATF’s motto.

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