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Quote of the day


We control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and (more-or-less) the judiciary for one of the few times in my nearly 5 decades, but what have we really accomplished? Is government smaller? Have we hacked away at the nanny state? Are the unborn any more protected? Have we really set the stage for a durable conservative majority?

Via Der Commissar.

5 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Steve Ramsey Says:

    I can’t remember who coined the phrase “all politics is local” but they were correct in only a miniscule sense.

    A greater truism is “all politcs is money, power, and ass kissing”.

    Having gone through my rabid conservative phase some time ago, I can tell you this:
    There isnt a nickles worth of difference between any of them, other than that they range from cold hearted money grubbers, to narcicistic runway kings and queens, all the way up to machiavellian psychopaths. All of them. Every one of them.

    Even YOUR personal faves.

    In the current battle over self preservation, the R’s have seen the path to re-election: Do as little as possible.

    The D’s on the other hand, have deluded themselves into beliving being the radical polar opposite of a Republican is the ticket back to the land of the free lunch.

    And I’m sorry to say, the libertarians (anarchists without bricks in their throwing hands) see thier impractical dedication to a politcal theory as a way to resonate with ordinary folks. Just how wrong they are is measured by their effectiveness at well…..anything.

    So where are we headed if this continues? (and it will).

    Nowhere good, I’ll tell you that. And wherever that is, it’s sure to be dark, damp, and smelly.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I think the Rs learned that vote buying was the way to go, hence the spending. Feh.

  3. xx y Says:

    I will have to concur with Steve. We supposedly had a pro gun majority in Congress and a pro gun President before the last election, yet all we got was the promise to sign the AWB bill, if it happened to landed on GWB’s desk. That’s not exactly throwing the RKBA people a bone.

    Still the NRA endorsed GWB.

    NRA: I’m a life member and I pay you money to protect my civil rights. Not one more penny until you actually get off your ass and win me some rights back. There is no excuse.

    Wayne LaPierre: Damning the legacy of Neal Knox with faint praise was totally uncalled for. I only wish you had half the balls he did.

  4. ben Says:

    I think we’re setting the stage to have the Dems sweep into power when times turn harder, if they do. I fear they might. Then we’ll get FDR, the New Deal and the Great Society all over again, since people don’t remember that old crap nor care to study it.

    Most “intellectuals” I know still think FDR was great for America.

  5. robert Says:

    Modern life and governance have gotten so hideously complex that nothing CAN be done. The underlying story of any headline is that the country has gotten ungovernable. -And the causes and remedies are so intricately hidden that revolution is impossible.
    It’s a good thing that most folks are pretty OK with slavery, because that’s the forecast. God help our children.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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