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Stupid TSA tricks

Manish emails this link which notes a proposal to exempt the following from airport security screening:

federal judges, members of Congress, Cabinet members, state governors, high-ranking military officers and those with high-level security clearances.

I actually concur with someone from TalkLeft who writes:

These are exactly the people who should know what it feels like to experience an invasion of privacy (however slight) at the hands of a government employee. Exempting public officials from the same travel hassles that the rest of us endure insulates them from the real world in an unhealthy way.

Like you and me, only better.

Meanwhile, the Gun Toting Liberal (who’s stuff is getting stolen from err getting love letters from Janeane Garofalo) tells us the latest TSA proposal would allow ice picks, throwing stars and bows and arrows on flights.

Like you and me, only stupider.

For some good news on the TSA, it’s good to see the Air Marshals abandoning the kill-me-first dress code.

3 Responses to “Stupid TSA tricks”

  1. cmbiii Says:

    I always thought one of the best arguments for term limits on legislators was to make them know that they would have to go back and live under the laws they passed. I agree that the same argument applies here.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    That makes three of us.

    No special class for “public servants.” They get treated as badly as (or worse than) the rest of us.

  3. Gun-Toting Liberal Says:

    Hey, thanx for the linkie-luv, bro! Hehe…

    Stupid Gubmint anyways!

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