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SayUncle is teh sux0r

The site was hacked. Working on fixing it.

Pesky hackers. Say, just wondering why it is they go through the trouble of hacking a site only to put up some stupid little string of characters no one can understand?

Update: Oh, the message they left was:

Xiiii, num eh q funfa msm, kkkk, tkz for OutLaw Group

8 Responses to “SayUncle is teh sux0r”

  1. Stormare Mackee Says:

    The message is mangled Portuguese, seems to be the same group that’s defaming corporate websites, including Microsoft’s.

  2. cube Says:

    It was just a test. If they can do it once they can repeat it.

    Secondly, most hacks are not for money, just for kicks.

  3. djuggler Says:

    It’s obviously an environmental activistic message that says “Stop Interstate 3 before it starts. Save the last vestige of the beautiful southeastern wilderness before it is permanently scarred by a useless strip of concrete. Build an electric rail along existing interstate corridors instead.”


    perhaps it says “Just as I hacked this site I slammed my hands down in excitement and my keyboard broke.”

    Can you imagine where we’d be today if Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience in l33t? Or Thomas Paine refused to print anything in the King’s English?

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Upgrading to the current version WP kept me spam-free for about a month. Then I went away for a week, came back to almost 3,000 spams, and installed Spam Karma 2. Haven’t gotten a single spam since.

  5. Xrlq Says:

    Err, sorry – thought this WAS a comment spam you were talking about. After re-reading your message it appears it wasn’t.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    hosting company says it was likely due to a major hole in v 1.2. Gotta upgrade.

  7. Barry Says:

    Klaatu Barada Nikto!

  8. Xrlq Says:

    You are invited to visit some irrelevant pages having nothing to do with online Texas holdem strip poker.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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