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Kudos to the KNS

It’s not often that the local newspaper writes something that gets the SayUncle seal of approval. But this time, the editorial board gets one right:

Seizure laws out of control

It’s probably fitting that extortion charges against two Loudon County deputies were dropped.
After all, they weren’t the extortionists – we were.

The deputies seized $9,649 from a motorist they suspected of being a drug dealer. Forget the fact that no drugs were collected.

Our seizure laws don’t trifle with such details as evidence. They operate on the great American proposition that a citizen is guilty until proven innocent – if the cops say so.

They can take your car, house and money without due process of law and without a jury trial. Glad to see a media outlet point that out.

One Response to “Kudos to the KNS”

  1. Drake Says:

    I was moderately pleased as well. They could have spared us the “its our fault” as voters and the public though.

    The Sentinel most likely would have approved the changes in the seizure laws(with the whole hearted approval of law enforcement lobbyists as well) since they have never turned down a chance to endorse the gov’s taking of our money. That’s my opinion of course, but the KNS and other state papers have turned a blind eye to the rot at the capital for some time.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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