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Souter Update

Regarding the bid to take Justice Souter’s home in order to put a hotel there, Kira Zalan reports:

A day after the Kelo decision was delivered, Freestar Media LLC submitted a proposal in the town of Weare, New Hampshire where majority opinion writer, Justice Souter, owns a farm house. They requested that the town board condemn the land and give it to them, as private developers, who promise to construct the Lost Liberty Hotel in its place. Their tax revenue would no doubt be higher than the reported $2,500 that Justice Souter paid in property taxes last year. It would create employment and attract tourism. The town has a website, and an economic development committee, which has identified its two main goals: 1) Encourage the formation of new businesses, and 2) Promote tourism. However, contrary to its stated goals and the legally sanctioned purpose of economic development, the town’s board turned down the proposal.

Governments rarely take homes from rich dudes with political pull.

Update: I will predict her blog will be popular soon. Hopefully, it won’t end with the same result last time I made such a prediction.

One Response to “Souter Update”

  1. marc Says:

    No Quarters notes a local “… rival proposal from townspeople would turn Souter’s land into a park commemorating the U.S. Constitution” here.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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