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Homeless in New Hampshire

With the fact that those evil libertarian minded people are trying to seize Judge Souter’s home you would feel that the good folks in the town he lives in would rally behind him and try to protect his homestead.


Town Clerk Evelyn Connor has had to return checks from people wishing to donate to a hotel construction fund. A rival proposal from townspeople would turn Souter’s land into a park commemorating the U.S. Constitution.

You have to know you messed up when your own neighbors turn against you.

3 Responses to “Homeless in New Hampshire”

  1. cube Says:

    “A rival proposal from townspeople would turn Souter’s land into a park commemorating the U.S. Constitution.”

    You know that stands a greater chace of getting though all the leagalites than the Hotel idea, but I still like the hotel idea better.

  2. Manish Says:

    A hotel would be more appropriate since a park would fall completely within what the founders intended eminent domain to do.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Good point, Manish. The real problem is that either proposal can be easily distinguished on the grounds that it targets Souter specifically, rather than just “happening” to land on his property while carrying out some oh-so-important governmental purpose. That’s why someone needs to try the same kind of stunt somewhere in the Ninth Circuit, the one circuit where there’s a plethora of judges ready to reverse the Supreme Court by taking its own precedents to silly extremes.

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