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You could probably attach a kitchen sink to the PATRIOT Act

Gunner is watching the PATRIOT Act and notes that, while protecting our northern border, that:

The thing is there is no like section that mentions the southern border. It took me only a few seconds to realize something. There is no giant Canadian voting block, while there is a Hispanic voting block.

He also points to attempts to ban .50 Calibers and to an effort to prohibit people on watch lists from buying guns.

Additionally, a provision has been added to expand contraband cigarettes to include smokeless tobacco.

Lastly, he notes his rep, Bart Gordon, has misled about his support for the Patriot act.

One Response to “You could probably attach a kitchen sink to the PATRIOT Act”

  1. Stormare Mackee Says:

    I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, but the largest impact of BRAC military base closings is near the Northern border, with resources being shifted to the South.

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