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Prediction time

I have not exactly followed this whole Rove/Plame link thing because it’s so over a year ago. But I’ll wager you this: Rove is, once again, poking liberals and the media with a pointy stick. When it’s all said and done, the media and those on the left hollering will, once again, look like imbeciles and be forced to kind of acknowledge a little oops. Rove will light up a cigar, have a drink, and giggle like a school girl.

Could be wrong, of course.

8 Responses to “Prediction time”

  1. smijer Says:

    I hope you are wrong, but I suspect you may be right….

    I’m still trying to sort out where I stand on the court decisions to allow prosecution of the journalists for not revealing their sources. On the one hand, I hate to see the priviledge abused, on the other hand, I hate to see the priviledge eroded. Any thoughts?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Depends. It seems that in this case, the reporter knew of someone breaking the law. But then again i’m still waiting for CNN reporters to be arrested for breaking the law when they illegally transferred a rifle across state lines to do a gun scare story.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    There was no crime in CNN’s case. There is here.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    I contend there was a ‘crime’ but the ‘crime’ was not punishable since it was not willfull. I need to forget a bunch of gun laws.

  5. Xrlq Says:

    Whether one chooses to call CNN’s acts a non-crime (which it is) or as a “crime that is not punishable” (an oxymoron) is beside the point. “Crime” or no, if there is no punishment possible, there’s no reason to arrest the perp.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    If i’ve learned one thing, it’s don’t argue semantics with xrlq. Still, per my dictionary, not all defintions of ‘crime’ require a punishment (though one does).

  7. smijer Says:

    What if a whistleblower has to reveal classified info to blow the whistle? That’s a crime, too – shouldn’t a journalist be able to protect the source?

  8. SayUncle » Blog Archive » Political Scandals Says:

    […] Speaking of scandals: On the Plame case, I still stand by my original prediction: Rove is, once again, poking liberals and the media with a pointy stick. When it’s all said and done, the media and those on the left hollering will, once again, look like imbeciles and be forced to kind of acknowledge a little oops. Rove will light up a cigar, have a drink, and giggle like a school girl. […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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