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Gun laws up 17%

Guess 20,000 aren’t enough:

“Some gun laws have been repealed, the assault-weapon law expired, and many new gun laws have been enacted by Congress,” Korwin notes. “All told, we have 40 more statutes, for a total of 271 federal gun laws, a 17% increase in the past decade.” That is the true measure, Korwin says.

Alan Korwin is from

3 Responses to “Gun laws up 17%”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Yawn. I’m not even sure we can all agree on what constitutes “one law” vs. two, three, or four hundred. Is the entire Internal Revenue Code one great big “law,” a gazillion teenie weenie ones, or something in between? More importantly, who cares how many “laws” there are; what matters is what they do. We could have 40,000 hyper-technical, inconsequential “laws” that don’t impact the average gun owner in the least, or we could have one short and to the point “law” that prohibits firearm ownership altogether.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I recall (not sure where) a judge saying something to the effect of ‘on the issue of guns, the citizen acts at his peril’

  3. Robert Says:

    I would hazard a guess that modern life is too complex for 85% of the population. Who can do everything that needs doing? I need six pieces of paper/stickers/plates/liscenses just to drive around the block legally. Anyone do their own 1040 long form? I have zero rights that any government agent must respect. And of course….they all want more “tools” (the police) or more revenue enhancement, (all other bureaucrats.)

    We are past the tipping point on all laws.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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