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We’re winning

Shall-issue of handgun carry permits is now law in Minnesota:

Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Tuesday signed a bill that allows easier statewide access to handgun permits. The law, which restores an identical 2003 measure that was struck down by the courts, takes effect immediately.

The concealed-carry law allows law-abiding people older than 21 to get a gun permit as long as they have a clean record, no mental illness and proper safety training

2 Responses to “We’re winning”

  1. _Jon Says:

    If it is identical, can’t the courts just strike it down again?

  2. Xrlq Says:

    No, the first one was struck down on a procedural issue that does not apply to the second. So in that technical sense, the bills are NOT identical.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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