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They have to cheat to win

Alan Korwin of writes of Arizona’s measure to allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry into a bar:

Why on Earth would the National Rifle Association promote laws so “gun-toting” people could “pack heat” in bars and not drink?

Say what? That doesn’t even make sense. It’s beyond stupid. And in fact, the NRA promoted no such thing.

But you wouldn’t know it from reading the papers or following newscasts.

The inaccurately characterized “guns-in-bars” bill received twisted coverage, using derision and phony Wild West mythology, from reporters and editors who earned rebuke for such unethical spin.

It’s not surprising as the anti-gunners must lie to win. They lied about CCW and the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons. They lie about gun shows. They lie about 50 calibers.

2 Responses to “They have to cheat to win”

  1. joe Says:

    I liked the Daily Show’s piece on the AZ law. It was some time back. They can get away with derision because that’s their stock in trade.

  2. Jay G Says:

    Let’s also not forget the “Assault weapons=machine guns” lies that were so pervasive in 1994 and 2004…

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