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More from the CSM

The Christian Science Monitor, always a good source for anti-gun babble, writes of the pending legislation to repeal the DC gun ban:

There are more than a few questions about the good senator’s beneficence. There’s the fact that the courts have decided that laws like the District’s, which prohibits handguns, aren’t any sort of violation of the Constitution, so we aren’t really being denied anything – that’s probably why the senator and her friends aren’t going to court to have the D.C. rules thrown out.

And the courts were wrong, it happens.

There’s the argument that putting more unregistered guns, including semiautomatic weapons, in people’s hands is probably not a sound way to increase safety in a densely populated, high-crime municipality.

I’m pretty sure this legislation would not increase unregistered guns as most guns in DC now (and there are a lot, if you watch the news) aren’t registered.

But perhaps the most confounding part of this proposal is this: why is the Republican Party, the party of states’ rights, deciding that in this case the federal government should supersede the will of the people living in the District? When did the GOP suddenly become the party that believes the federal government knows best?

Because the Constitution says shall not be infringed as opposed to, say, Congress shall make no law. And, last I checked, DC isn’t a state.

3 Responses to “More from the CSM”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    You abbreviations confuse me.

    I thought for a minute that you had a message from the Command Sergeant Major.

  2. espo Says:

    The answer to “why is the Republican Party, the party of states’ rights, deciding that in this case the federal government should supersede the will of the people living in the District?” is more clearly defined in Article I, Section 8 – Powers of Congress:

    To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States… .

  3. jr Says:

    geez. once again, you and I are parallel on certain articles. I’m inclined to believe you may also be a genius.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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