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20 Blogs

Forgot where I saw it first, but this meme I found interesting. If you could only read 20 blogs for one year, which would they be? Now, this may offend some folks who don’t make the list but trust me, if you’re on the blogroll, I read you.

So many blogs are just parrot blogs. By that, I mean that so many blogs merely talk about and say the same thing that other bloggers talk about. Quite a few merely parrot bigger bloggers and add their own twist to saying the same thing. Must. Toe. Line. As such, my criteria is based largely on original content.

All the blogs on the right are fine blogs but if I had to pick 20, these are them. Some fine blogs were excluded merely because they don’t update frequently enough (and I mean you, you, you, you, and you). These are in no particular order (well, that’s a lie, they’re in the order that they appear on my bloglines feed but no order in terms of preference):

1 AnarchAngel – Good gun stuff and original content. A must read.

2 Heads Bunker – The gun how-to of the blogosphere, in my opinion.

3 The Geek – Hey, more politics than the other two but plenty of gun stuff too.

4 Of Arms and the Law – For the legal aspect of guns that you can’t seem to get anywhere else.

5 Smallest Minority – Kevin is a fine blogger and my only complaint is that he takes too much time off. But when he lets loose, he really lets loose.

6 The Ten Ring – Good, well-written gun stuff. Definitely a must read.

7 TriggerFinger – Guns, activism and attitude. TriggerFinger does a lot and exposes quite a bit of civil liberties related tomfoolery.

8 damnum absque injuria – My favorite smart-ass lawyer. Doesn’t matter which side you’re on, if you’re wrong, he’ll call you on it.

9 AlphaPatriot – Variety of topics, well-written, original, researched and plenty of good material.

10 Camp4U – For my behind the scenes look at the Tennessee legislature.

11 Meanderthal – A collection of liberals with ties to Tennessee and mostly without all the crazy.

12 Insty – He’s like the Yahoo! of the blogosphere. If it’s happening on blogs, he writes about it.

13 Lean Left – Comes in three flavors of liberal: Mild, moderate and extra-crispy. Good stuff and only occasionally hysterical.

14 Les Jones – Original content and good gun stuff. Needs to bring back Thursday gun links though.

15 Nashville Files – Always apprise of Tennessee issues, particularly gun stuff.

16 No Quarters – The best blogger you’re not reading. Good, original content with an eye toward freedom.

17 No Silence Here – Good stuff not seen elsewhere. Covers local issues I can’t get anywhere else.

18 South Knox Bubba – My inspiration for blogging. Good stuff with a liberal bent, without all the crazy. Well, OK, the occasional crazy. But entertaining nonetheless. And a good sense of humor.

19 Ravenwood – Right leaning, libertarianish stuff. A lot of original stuff that you don’t see elsewhere.

20 Kim du Toit – Sort of the central meeting point for gun blogs. Oh and did I mention he’s angry?

9 Responses to “20 Blogs”

  1. mike hollihan Says:

    Wow, Unc. Thank you for the compliment.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Comes in three flavors of liberal: Mild, moderate and extra-crispy.

    Heh! I bet I can even figure out which is which!

    Anyway, thanks for the plug. I’d do this “20 blogs” thing, except that there are only maybe half a dozen blogs that I read with any regularity.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    That’s damned high praise, Uncle.

    I’ll see what I can do about posting a bit more now that I’m back from Houston, but I’m still really busy.

  4. gunner Says:

    Thanks for the kind words.

  5. Head Says:

    Humbled. Thank you!

  6. Chris Byrne Says:

    Ummm yeah, what everyone else said.

    Oh and of course most of those folks would be on my list as well.

    I dont think I have to list Kim as one of the blogs I read, since I moderate the forums there, and of course myself… that leaves me two more good blogs to read… hmmmmmm

  7. Denise Says:

    Thank you for your kind words about The Ten Ring. It is humbling since I have enjoyed SayUncle blog for much longer than Bill and I have even thought about blogging. Thanks again.

  8. Phelps Says:

    Hell, I know I don’t post enough. I covered that. I think a lot of it lately comes from me not even having time to read enough, much less write something. I opened by aggro today and I had over 1000 new items it. Hell, 23 of them was just you. I’m not going to keep up with that.

  9. Xrlq Says:

    Thanks for the kind words.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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