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Oh, that sanctity of marriage

Irony is sometimes funny:

A state senator sponsoring a constitutional amendment aimed at “solemnizing the relationship of one man and one woman” is accused in a divorce case of cheating on his wife.

He denies the allegations. It’s a good thing because ‘fessing up to it would Sen. Jeff Miller a, you know, hypocrite.

5 Responses to “Oh, that sanctity of marriage”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Perhaps so, but no more (or less) so than S.F. Gavin Newsom, who knows so much more than the rest of us about marriage even though he can’t/won’t keep his own together.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    S.F. Gavin Newsom = S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom

  3. Manish Says:

    X..When was Gavin Newsom ever accused of cheating on his wife?

  4. Xrlq Says:

    He wasn’t. AFAIK, they both agreed that their careers were more important than their marriage.

  5. Manish Says:

    Perhaps so, but no more (or less) so than S.F. Gavin Newsom, who knows so much more than the rest of us about marriage even though he can’t/won’t keep his own together.

    they both agreed that their careers were more important than their marriage.

    So what your saying is that Newsom divorcing his wife because it wasn’t working out isn’t quite the same as getting a divorce because your cheating on your wife. Glad we agree.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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