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I’m pretty certain that forbidding passengers of airplanes from taking nail clippers, files and such onto airplanes has prevented absolutely zero terror attacks. And neither will this:

A nationwide security change means travelers at McGhee Tyson and airports across the country must soon give up their cigarette lighters at checkpoints.

Starting Thursday, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will no longer allow lighters through security checkpoints.

These little inconveniences are a reminder that terror is an effective tool against us.

8 Responses to “Lame”

  1. cube Says:

    there shoe bomber, who tried to light the bomb in his shoe with a lighter.

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    Hey, don’t forget Medals of Honor and T-shirts.

    Just to play Devil’s Advocate, though, there WAS an attempted terrorist act—that Shoe Bomber guy—involving a lighter (or was matches?).

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Heh…now it looks like we’re ganging up on you.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    But the shoe bomber also had, you know, a bomb in his shoe or something. He could have lit it with matches or a lighter. I think he had matches, though.

  5. Justin Says:

    I have taken matches (illegal as well I believe) with me the past few times I have flown…fuck the TSA.

  6. Thibodeaux Says:

    Well come ON! You can’t expect these guys to find hidden bombs; that’s just too hard. They have to get the low-hanging fruit, like lighters and nail clippers.

    So, if you want to take your lighter, just hide it in your shoe.

  7. Marc Says:

    Or carry the lighter in your pocket. My belt buckle has more metal in it than any disposable lighter and it never sets of the magnetometer.

  8. cube Says:

    “He could have lit it with matches or a lighter. I think he had matches, though.”

    i could have sworn that it was a lighter, but i could be wrong.

    In the story I remember him having problems lighting it so some people were able to jump him.

    also i cold have sworn that matcher were allowed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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