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Brazilian Police Shooting

Eleven police held after Brazil killings

Eleven police officers were arrested on suspicion of participating in the massacre of 30 people last week on the city’s poor outskirts, and the search continued for another suspect, authorities said Monday.

The shootings — the bloodiest massacre in years in a state well known for its violence — left many residents perplexed by their seemingly random nature. Only two of the victims had criminal records and five were teenagers shot dead while playing video games at a local bar.

What happens when only the police have guns… Brazil implemented a strict gun control program in 2004, leaving the citizens unarmed at the mercy of their government.

Now, under a new law hailed by supporters as the most sweeping gun-control measure in South America, only Brazilians with valid reasons — police and security guards, for example — are allowed to carry firearms in public.
Ordinary citizens who own guns either must register their weapons, turn them in or face jail time.

Doesn’t this make you feel a whole lot better about gun control?

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