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Eminent Domain Bill in Nevada

A bill is in the works to curb eminent domain abuse in Nevada:

Care’s 2-page bill would bar the use of eminent domain by government agencies to get property for open-space use or for “protecting, conserving or preserving wildlife habitat.”

The measure also says an agency could exercise eminent domain powers to get property for a redevelopment project only after making a written finding that “a condition of blight exists for each individual parcel of property” being acquired.

Not the best but it’s a start. Of course, since the federal government owns 92% of Nevada, they’re probably running out of room.

We keep seeing more bills against eminent domain lately. I’m guessing people are getting mad enough to contact their representatives or they figure the Supreme Court will not rule in favor of property owners.

2 Responses to “Eminent Domain Bill in Nevada”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I disagree that it’s a good start, because it bars what I consider to be one of the few legitimate uses of eminent domain. It would do nothing to bar the state from taking your house so that Wal-Mart can build a supercenter.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    “an agency could exercise eminent domain powers to get property for a redevelopment project only after making a written finding that “a condition of blight exists for each individual parcel of property” being acquired”

    Seems to me that the state would have to prove it was blighted, since i’d consider a shopping center redevelopment. Could be wrong, of course.

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