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Local politico quits job

Tyler Harber has resigned his job. Anyway, his lengthy resignation letter is here. He notes:

Over the past few days the safety and well being of my friends, family and I have been compromised by the vengeful and illegal actions of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office. Last night, after I was followed by undercover officers and then forcefully removed from my vehicle, I was handcuffed and confined in the back of a Knox County Sheriffs vehicle, officers refused to show proper identification, read me my rights, or notify me of why an illegal search of my vehicle was conducted, or why I was taken into custody. I decided that I could no longer endanger myself and my loved ones.

Shortly before my incident, Knox County Sheriff Officers invaded my close friend, Adam Groves’ house and conducted an illegal search and seizure of his computer and illegally and forcefully interrogated him while showing no warrant, receipt of property confiscation, and without demonstrating due cause.

Adam Groves is a local blogger. His website says nothing of the incident but that may be because he doesn’t have a computer. If the facts are as Tyler Harber says (which is quite questionable since, you know, it’s Tyler Harber) then heads should roll at the Sheriff’s Department.

And, for what it’s worth, I’ve heard speculation from many folks that Tyler Harber (and maybe Adam) was behind and there’s been some speculation regarding their affiliation with Communists for TennCare.

Bubba has more. As does Michael Silence. Barry is on it too.

And, Adam, if you’re reading and would like to comment, do so. Or shoot me an email

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