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I have been truly encouraged by some recent media coverage of guns (twice in a week!). Now, Deb notes a story in which the reporter goes out of their way to explain that a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic:

The common misconception is the “semi-automatic” is equal to some high powered assault weapon, but any number of weapons, small or large caliber, can be semi-automatic.

“When you hear semi-automatic rifle a lot of people assume it’s a high powered rifle but that’s not always the case” says Longview gun expert Craig Clotz .


2 Responses to “Amazing”

  1. Dewight Says:

    That is progress, but I still have a problem with “high power rifle” being used as a negative.

  2. Fox Says:

    Unfortunately, for as many small town or local area news agencies that correct the issues, it’s the big agencies that keep miss-using terminology. Or using misleading terminology, either way.

    Or outright lying. Yeah, we’re talkin’ ’bout you, CNN.

    And that’s where you’re “average American” seems to get their stances on the issues from.

    To this day, I still hear from the local gun-shops about people coming in wanting to buy fully automatic weapons “since the assault weapons ban ended”… oy.

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