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Gun safety again

About a year ago, I mentioned a DEA agent who shot himself while giving a class on gun safety. There’s a video of it you can find here:

“I’m the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock .40. I’m the onl–BOOM!”

6 Responses to “Gun safety again”

  1. SayUncle : Quote of the day Says:

    […] ous Post | Main |

    Quote of the day
    |By SayUncle|

    Regarding the DEA agent who is clearly too stupid to own a gun, a Farker writes: Actually, […]

  2. cube Says:

    yea the video is great.

    though i am not convinced that it is real, though all the stories that i have heard about it are adding up.

  3. robert Says:

    Public school, correct? and a public school graduate…

  4. robert Says:

    I forget….we WON the drug war?

  5. jr Says:

    The funniest part of the video is when the female agent grabs the AR, and starts to hand it to that big, stupid, arrogant ignoramus. The crowd shouts, “NO!!!”

  6. SayUncle » I’m the only one stupid enough Says:

    […] Remember the DEA Agent who claimed he was the only one professional enough to handle a weapon right before he shot himself in the leg while talking to a class of kids? Well, here’s the detail. Well, the Smoking Gun notes that: A Drug Enforcement Administration agent who stars in a popular online video that shows him shooting himself in the foot during a weapons demonstration for Florida children is suing over the tape’s release, claiming that his career has been crippled and he’s become a laughingstock due to the embarrassing clip’s distribution. Lee Paige, 45, blames the video’s release on DEA officials in an April 7 federal lawsuit filed against the U.S. government. […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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