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Quote of the day

John Farnam, being interviewed as a police officer carrying a gun under the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004:

2. Are you familiar with the laws of the state(s) you’re traveling to?”

No, and neither is the attorney general of that state, or any other state. Gun laws, as written, are so incomprehensible, no one understands them. “Becoming familiar” with them would consume the rest of my lifetime and then some. Once again, you can worry about all that crap of you can just carry.

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. robert Says:

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse…..however…the court FROWNS on anyone without a law degree coming into court..

    So either they need to grant us all law scholarships…or…

    It’s just gotten stupid. Go directly to jail.

  2. cube Says:

    this seems to be about as good of an an place to ask this question.

    If you have the reg capticy mags for you gun (12 rounders), and you go to a state where they are banned for sale as highcap, are they legal?

    I would assume so, if you are not selling them, but It would seem if the law was written correctly they could rope you in.

  3. Fox Says:

    cute quote, and very true.

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