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BSG Blogging

Maybe spoilers ahead. Read at own risk.

I really like the new Battlestar Galactica series. Aside from a bit of silliness (like Starbuck figuring out how to hermetically seal and pilot a Cylon ship), it’s quite entertaining. I like the religious interplay as well. Turns out the humans are polytheists and the Cylons, despite what you would think, are not only religious but monotheists. My prediction (hit more for potential spoilers):

Some Cylons look and act human and they recently seem interested in this whole sex thing. As with the first BSG, the human fleet will find Earth. Here’s my prediction: When they arrive at Earth, we’ll discover that Earthlings are not humans but Cylons who can reproduce.

5 Responses to “BSG Blogging”

  1. Barry Says:

    I’ve heard speculation about that kind of thing before, but the humanoid Cylons are a recent invention – they weren’t around that long before in (new) BSG history. Maybe 20 years? Even allowing for parallel development on Earth…. I don’t know. I don’t buy the Earthlings-are-really-Cylons explanation. Maybe with more evidence I will.

    I do think they’re trying to make a Cylon/human hybrid with CapricaBoomer and Helo. But CapricaBoomer had enough of CapricaSix’s disrespect and left the program.

    Don’t you love nicknames? 🙂

  2. SayUncle Says:

    True enough but the human ones were only recently discovered by humans. So, I don’t know.

  3. Justin Says:

    I’m addicted to that show…especially the hottie Cylon :)I’m not exactly sure where they are going with the Caprica thing though…unless they (assuming the cylon chick turns against the others and hooks up with the guy) manage to get off world and steal a Cylon ship I dont see the poor guy ever setting foot on BSG again.

  4. Justin Says:

    by the way…is EVERYONE dead on Caprica?

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    In the occupied areas of Caprica, humans are probably mostly dead, or hiding really really well. (Wouldn’t you?)

    As for your prediction, I can see it as a possibility. Watching this week’s episode where the Cylon was revealed to be monotheist, I also realized that Earthlings have more in common with Cylons than Capricans. Hell, just look at our war-filled history and tendency to conquer lesser advanced people. It certainly fits the mold.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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