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Self-Storage Shenanigans

For about a year now, I’ve been involved in a semi-weekly garage-band jam session. We get together in a self-storage unit, mainly because the drummer didn’t want to play at his own house and didn’t want to schlep his kit around (can’t blame him), plus there aren’t any neighbors to annoy.

Except there are. Tonight there were two other bands playing at the same self-storage lot at the same time we were. Looks like there ought to be a business opportunity here somewhere.

I wonder what else goes on those places?

8 Responses to “Self-Storage Shenanigans”

  1. Publicola Says:

    bands have been using mini-storage places to practice at every since I can remember. & I shudder to think how far back I can remember.

    When I was 15 I was in a band that practiced in one of those places. There were 5 other bands there that I knew of. Usually weekends that weren’t booked were spent there, partly practicing & partly hanging out with the other bands.

    There have been businesses that tried to do what the storage places do, but usually it was cheaper to just do the storage place thing than to pay for a dedicated band practice room. Sure; the amenities were usually nicer but it’s much cheaper to put up egg crates on a concrete wall than to pay for a place that has carpet paddign already on it. More cash equals more strings, drumsticks & drinks at the gig.

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    I guess it’s new to me because I’m from the boonies where we didn’t have these fancy-pants self-storage thingies. All we had was a shed. AND WE LIIIIIKED IT.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, we always jammed in someone’s basement or garage.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    No basements where I grew up in Louisiana, either.

  5. GMontag Says:

    Mini-storage is the wave of the future. Read about it in Snowcrash by Neil Stephenson.

  6. Brian A. Says:

    A few months ago the Washington Post had an article about people living in storage units.

  7. Les Jones Says:

    Guy: I had forgotten about that. They even had shower rental facilities. Mini-storage to the extreme was in Neuromancer, too. The guy would rent a little coffin-like drawer to sleep in at night.

  8. Jim Gwyn Says:

    According to what I am hearing, self storage units are becoming favorite places to “cook” methamphetamine.

    If you’re playing and smell something odd (other than your drummer or base player), please don’t investigate w/o proper equipment and thinking about it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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