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Ok, maybe Democrats don’t get it

There’s a proposal to restrict ammo sales:

The sale of ammunition like that used in the Hudson Valley Mall shooting should be restricted, two local Democratic lawmakers say.

“I realize you can’t stop somebody from committing a crime, or committing a heinous act if they’re really intent on doing it, but maybe you can slow it down,” said Bill Reynolds, majority leader of the Kingston Common Council. “Obviously, real strict gun control doesn’t make a lot of sense, but perhaps there is some wisdom in at least slowing people down from getting their hands on weapons of war and the ammunition for them.”

Authorities say 25-year-old Robert Bonelli Jr. of Glasco purchased three boxes of 7.62-caliber ammunition for his Hesse Model 47 semiautomatic assault rifle at the Wal-Mart store next to Hudson Valley Mall in the town of Ulster an hour before he fire 50-60 shots inside the mall, wounding two people.

Authorities have said both the weapon, purchased at a local gun show, and the ammunition were obtained legally, but Reynolds and Ulster County Legislator Brian Shapiro of Woodstock said there should be tighter restrictions on the availability of the semiautomatic rounds used in the shooting.

It’s amazing to me that people are shocked someone could have both a gun and ammo that goes with it. And there is no such thing as a semiautomatic assault rifle.

Update: As readers point out, there is also no such thing as a semiautomatic round.

6 Responses to “Ok, maybe Democrats don’t get it”

  1. countertop Says:

    And there is no such thing as a semiautomatic assault rifle

    There’s no such thing as a “semiautomatic round” either.

  2. Nate Says:

    I want a “semiautomatic round” I be those are fun to shoot… I wonder if you put semiautomatic rounds in a semiautomatic gun, they add up to a full automatic? 😉

    Things like this are why I find reading the newspaper so annoying. Just about any time I read about something I know reasonably well, (guns, physics, mathematics, certain sports) I find tons of errors in it.

  3. Yosemite Sam Says:

    I had to clean my screen after I saw the bit about a semiautomatic round. And these morons pass the laws we all have to live with. I got another chuckle from the naive idea that you could ban what has to be the most common rifle round in the world. But, the credulous press just laps this up.

  4. Jay G Says:

    For a good long time, Massachusetts banned the sale of all new Colt 1911 *AND CLONES*.

    RIGHT NOW, you can’t buy a new Glock handgun in MA.

    Arguably the most popular semi-automatic pistol design and the most popular brand of semi-automatic pistol were not available for sale in the state of MA.

    So, forgive me if I think it possible for the state of New York to ban the sale of 7.62X39mm ammo…

  5. Thibodeaux Says:

    Sure, New York could make it illegal to possess the ammo, but no way is that going to keep the ammo out. They’ll just create a new black market.

  6. _Jon Says:

    My dad was a gun dealer and has always been carping about gun control.
    My response has always been that when they get serious about taking away our guns, they will go after the ammunition.
    The 2A doesn’t protect that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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