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Oh, that anti-gun media

Robert Bonelli mall shooting update. First, police said it was an AK. Then it wasn’t. Now, it is again:

Police say Bonelli used a Hesse Model 47 semiautomatic rifle to terrorize patrons Sunday at the Hudson Valley Mall.

The fact it’s a Hesse may explain why he didn’t hit many people. Additionally, the Hesse was not covered as part of the 1994 assault weapons ban but that doesn’t keep our trusty pals in the media from trying to lead you to the conclusion that it would have been:

Sources said Bonelli, 24, from Glasco, bought the gun in October, a month after a federal 10-year ban on assault weapons expired.

Also, New York state has its own ban which identically mimics the expired federal ban. And he bought it at an evil gun show loophole:

A background check was done at the time the gun was purchased from a dealer at the gun show, federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms officials said. ATF officials are assisting in the investigation.

Wait! I thought they didn’t do background checks at evil gun show loopholes? What’s up with that? Doesn’t he know he could have just walked out with it as our friends in the media so often point out?

Additionally, our friends in the media note that the guy also didn’t have something that he wasn’t required to have anyway:

Bonelli didn’t have a gun permit, Ulster police said. But Tony Tantillo, former owner of a Lloyd gun shop, said a permit isn’t needed to own such a weapon.


8 Responses to “Oh, that anti-gun media”

  1. Individ Says:

    The anti-gunners (anti-family protection/ anti-children protection activists) and the MSM will absolutely LOVE this story precisely because, as you have shown, the potential for disinformation is enormous.

  2. cube Says:

    Of course if New York would let the people of their state carry guns around with them, that guy proably would have been shot by either a person with a CCW or a security gaurd at the mall.

    Mall ninja’s attack.

  3. ben Says:

    you can’t fault the media here. After all, “sources said”

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Aren’t they supposed to check facts?

  5. ben Says:

    since when do the MSM have to check facts? Heh.

  6. ben Says:

    That would set a precedent, wouldn’t it.

  7. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Has anybody else noticed that, while Chuckie, the Bradys, and the rest of the usual suspects are running around screaming about a new AWB, Hillary has been vewy, vewy quiet?

    She’s running in 2008 and doesn’t want to scare the gun nuts.

  8. Les Jones Says:

    Gun Links #34
    Geek With a .45 – Going shooting with Kim du Toit. There’s an idea for a good reality show. Man I miss Conquest. Alphecca – A new bill introduced in California would require every gun to stamp its make, model, and serial number onto spent casings. Did…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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