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And I don’t need no drugs to calm me

Or maybe I do. In addition to strapping RFIDs on kids, Blake reports that the US House approved on Thursday a sweeping set of rules aimed at forcing states to issue all adults federally approved electronic ID cards, including driver’s licenses. Says Blake:

Once you start down this path, there is no turning back. You start with a national ID card, someone figures out a way around that…then they put RFID in the cards (if they don’t start out with that), and someone gets around that. Next thing you know, it will be required that all citizens who want to fly, access certain areas of the “Federal” government, or buy firearms have a chip implanted so that we definitely know who they are.

But wait…wouldn’t that be the perfect way to stop identity theft? Yeah…then let’s require that all citizens who want to buy and sell goods on the open market to have this chip implanted.

You see where I’m going with this? It’s only the beginning. It all sounds good up front, but the near term benefits don’t come close to easing the long term loss of privacy and liberty.

One Response to “And I don’t need no drugs to calm me”

  1. robert Says:

    The Repubs would scream if the democrats were in power and proposed this….but when the repubs are in power…the dems are afraid. Might be worse to have a republican congress and senate. No one is left to rein in big gov.
    They are building a police state, as fast as they can.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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