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The Harley-Davidson of Guns

Ok, I’m a little behind the curve here, but I just read this post at the Diplomad and got kind of tickled by it:

[Colonel Garcia], who had been knocking back scotch pretty heavily all evening, came up to a friend and me, fixed us with that patented stare and blurted out, “The American Army . . . it has become homosexual!”

“You, you know the 45. The 9mm is for sissies (huecos) with tight pants! Do you know how many times I have shot somebody with a 9mm?” My Embassy colleague and I assumed this either a rhetorical question or one to which he already had an answer, and we did not try to answer it. “Twice. Both times I shoot them and they get up! I have to shoot them again!” He now removed the 45 from my face, holding it in both hands, he looked down at it, “With this gun I only would need to shoot somebody one time! He doesn’t get back up! This is a beautiful gun . . . people see it and they know you are serious. Most of the time I don’t even have to shoot.”

Now, if that doesn’t settle the .45 vs. 9mm argument once and for all, it’ll never be settled!

6 Responses to “The Harley-Davidson of Guns”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    Well, any barrel that I can stick my index finger in usually would do the trick.

  2. Zendo Deb Says:

    Probably true if you are limited by the Geneva Convention to using FMJ rounds. I would prefer to shoot a fast-moving 9MM hollow point over a slow-moving 45 thanks. (I can be more accurate with a 9. Maybe you can be more accurate with a 45 – if so great….) Here’s to getting the GC updated to the 20th (let alone the 21st) Century.

  3. F-Stop Says:

    Well, any barrel that I can stick my index finger in usually would do the trick.

    Heh! Make mine a Wilson Combat Tactical Super Grade. Tres Chic!

  4. GMontag Says:

    Well, as you did not really specify at the beginning and I was FORCED to read so much before you revealed that it was handguns you were talking about . . .

    I kinda like the Benelli of guns, my Nova Pump 🙂 Still looking at a Warthog for my first real pistol.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    I’m confused: which gun is the Harley? I’m guessing the .45. Harleys are cool-looking but quite unreliable and unnecessarily loud. (And I say this as someone from Milwaukee, where HD’s world HQ is located.)

    Does a .45 have a tendency to not work as reliably as it should?

  6. Thibodeaux Says:

    Heh. Yeah, it was mostly about the “cool.” I don’t think the 1911 design is particularly unreliable, given the tests the Army ran on it back then.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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