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How many?

Kudos are apparently being given to Gov. Schwarzenegger for signing fewer laws into law in a single year. That number is still high at 959. He rejected 311. I think that number is still a bit high. Of course, the CA legislature could take a cue from the US congress and just pass an assload of them at once. Maybe in California they actually read them?

3 Responses to “How many?”

  1. Publicola Says:

    If they read the laws they pass in Cali before they pass them, then my respect for the Cali legislature will go further into the negative. 🙂

    As for Arnold signing fewer laws, maybe it’s because he was drained. I mean it takes a lot of energy to sign into law a ban on bolt action rifles. 😀

    Still I wouldn’t mind taking a page from the Brady’s…how about a one law a month law? They try to pass two laws within 30 days & both are automatically nullified. State or federal level (preferably both) I say we should give it a try until enough studies are done to determine its effectiveness. 🙂

  2. Yosemite Sam Says:

    or better yet, for every new law they pass, they would have to revoke one.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Bean counting the number of laws passed is a fool’s errand. As often as not, more laws means more exceptions to one basic prohibition. For example, which of the following states would you prefer to live in?

    State A – one law, reading “no person shall possess a firearm.”

    State B – two laws, where Section 1 reads “no person shall possess a firearm,” and where Section 2 reads “For purposes of Section 1, no law-abiding citizen who hasn’t been involuntarily committed over the past two years shall be considered a ‘person.'”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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