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Weird phone call

I just had the strangest sales phone call at 9:30 in the evening, almost sounded like a con to me. My suspicion is that he represented one of those companies that try to get you to subscribe to 5 monthly magazines for 5 years at a “very low rate,” only, he wouldn’t come out and say that. Here’s a sample from our conversation:

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hi. I represent the publisher of the magazines you subscribe to.
Me:What publisher?
Him: The publisher.
Me: Of what magazine?
Him: The magazine you subscribe to.
Me: Which one?
Him: All of them. Due to some error you haven’t been contacted, but the computer selected you for a 60 month extension.
Me: To what?
Him: To your subscription. Apparently there was an error and the computer pulled you out *yawn* to call and let you know, so if anybody else calls, just let them know you’ve been notified.
Me: Ok, but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Notified of what?
Him: We represent over 250 quality publications, and you can select five of them.
Me: You don’t represent any magazines I subscribe to. I already subscribe to all the magazines I want and if I don’t already subscribe to them I don’t want them.
Him: Why not?
Me: Because I don’t have time to read them.
Him: Many of us don’t have time to read them, but if you read one article, it’s well worth it.
Me: If I don’t subscribe to it already, I read it online, and anything I subscribe to is a trade magazine and you can’t get it. Thanks for calling though.

I don’t know if the strategy was to confuse me so much that I get conned into giving out credit card information, or if the guy just sucked. The yawn halfway through was really entertaining, and it sounded like a bar behind him. I just did a reverse lookup on the phone number, in Kansas City, and nothing came up…almost tempted to call it back.

I hate having to wait to get our new number on the Do Not Call list. Too bad they couldn’t transfer our old number over here to the new house.

4 Responses to “Weird phone call”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    My telemarketer calls (despite being on the list, i still get them) go like this:

    him: I’m calling from . . .

    me: (click)

  2. mx5 Says:

    Usually, I hang up using the “count to 3 rule” (if nobody says anything by the time you count to 3, hang up!), but the wife answered this time. And they asked for “x”, which is the name I go by. Most telemarketers ask for “m” or “mr. 5,” and I immediately know I don’t want to talk to them. But they asked my wife for “m” and the number came up on caller ID (which most telemarketer #’s don’t). Plus, it seemed like fun at the time to mess with him (you gotta do that to telemarketers from time to time: if they’re selling windows, explain you have a windowless house).

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Sometimes it can be fun to screw with them. Tom Mabe made a full-blown career out of it. One time, some years back while I was in college, I got a call from an especially long-winded fellow who was trying to sell me everything under the sun. The conversation went pretty much like this:

    Me: Hello?
    Him: Good afternoon, sir. Am I speaking with the gentleman of the house?
    Me: Well, this is one of them.
    Him: OK. I’m calling on behalf of blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, and we offer choice vacation packages at blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, at a low, low price of only blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Sir, may I ask if you are married?
    Me: Yes.
    Him: Oh! In that case, perhaps you and your wife might enjoy a trip to blah blah…
    Me (interrupting): I have a husband.
    Him (at a pitch about an octave higher than before): You … you … have a HUSBAND?!
    Me: Yes.
    Him: Oh. So you’re not really “married,” then, are you?
    Me: Yes I am!
    Him: Oh, oh, sorry. Well perhaps you might be interested in a free 90-day trial subscription to blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, or if that’s not your cup of tea, perhaps you’d prefer blah blah blah or maybe a six month trial of blah.
    Me: That sounds great. There’s only one problem, though. I can’t read. I’m blind.
    Him: You’re blind? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anyone else in your household who can read?
    Me: I wouldn’t think so, no.
    Him: Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

  4. Manish Says:

    I always enjoy it when a telemarketer wants to sell me something auto-related. They are always a little taken a-back when I say that I don’t own a car. It’s like hello..I live in San Francisco where 30% of the population doesn’t own a some market-freaking research.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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