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Songs about flying

Why do so many musicians like to write songs about flying? Talk about your over-used metaphor… My personal Launchcast channel just shat out a new Richard Marx song called “Ready To Fly,” and the lyrics are sooooo freaking cheesey (“I’m ready to fly over the sun like a rocket to heaven?!?”). All these songs like to whine on and on about how somebody always had wings but they never could figure out how to fly, the sorry bastards. I guess it isn’t as poetic to sing about how somebody always had a unicycle but couldn’t get the hang of it, or how somebody always had fins but couldn’t swim.

What are your favorite songs about flying? Neither U2 nor Pink Floyd count (PF’s “Learning to Fly” is actually cool IMHO, and U2’s “The Fly” is about an insect or something).

The word “fly” turned up 22280 matches at CDDB…and that was just on song titles. On the other hand, “crawl” only turned up 1496 matches. “Wings” turned up 11985 times. Sadly, “unicycle” only turned up 15 matches.

Can you tell how hard I’m working today?

4 Responses to “Songs about flying”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    Richard who?


  2. skb Says:

    Freeee Biirrd! Woooooooo!

    And Blackbird by the Beatles, and Fly Like an Eagle by Steve Miller, and Little Wing by Hendrix/Clapton/Vaughn et. al., The Letter by the Boxtops, and…

    I’ll probably think of some others…

  3. jed Says:

    I kinda like the stuff on the album “Wild Blue Yonder” by Oscar Brand.

  4. triticale Says:

    You are the wings over my wind…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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