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Home improvement observation

I’m taking a break from drilling a 3/4″ hole through masonry block that has been filled solid, to share an observation with you: duct tape is good for anything except being duct tape. If you need to do duct work, you have to use the shiney aluminum stuff with the peel-off paper. If you actually try to use (grey) duct tape on duct, it won’t stick. Odd, isn’t it?

Now where did I put that Big Ass Hammer and Big Ass Iron Bar so I can knock the hole through the block since drilling is going to take all day?

One Response to “Home improvement observation”

  1. mike hollihan Says:

    Actually, there is a type of duct tape that works extraordinarily well. It’s black, with fine weave fiber, and not smooth or glossy. It’s got the most sticky adhesive I’ve ever seen. Never comes loose, so be careful. I had an HVAC guy give me a roll some years ago that I hoarded, because I haven’t seen its like in Home Depot-type stores since. Great, great stuff.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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