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Foily Hat Time

A millionaire is convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. As such, he’s offering a $100K award to anyone who can prove him wrong:

The millionaire activist is so convinced of a government cover-up he is offering a $100,000 reward to any engineering student who can prove the World Trade Center buildings crashed the way the government says.

“Of course, we expect no winners,” Walter, 57, heir to an $11 million fortune from his father’s home building business, said in a telephone interview from California on Wednesday.

He said a panel of expert engineers would judge submissions from the students.

Next month, he also launches a nationwide contest seeking alternative theories from college and high school students about why New York’s World Trade Center collapsed. The contest offers $10,000 to the best alternative theory, with 100 runner-up awards of $1,000. Winners will be chosen next June.

While I’m wearing my foil hat, I caught this show on The History Channel (thanks TiVo) which detailed that Timothy McVeigh and some of the militia groups were actually in cahoots with Islamic terrorists. Apparently, near a dozen witnesses reported seeing two men described as Arabic in appearance hanging around the truck bomb and some report that the men were armed. Two witnesses also reported what are presumably these same two men speeding off at 9:00 (2 minutes before the explosion). One witness stated she was almost run over by them as they sped off. Ordinarily, I’d outright dismiss these things except that one person they interviewed was some sort of former CIA director and another was a retired FBI agent who worked the case. Apparently, there was an APB put out for two Arabic looking men in a black pickup shortly after the explosion. Then, it was canceled when McVeigh got pulled over for speeding. Both men attest that, even though the APB was publicly canceled, the FBI and CIA continued to look for the two Arabic men.

The CIA guy and McVeigh’s lawyer both stated that McVeigh was protecting others involved in the bombing. The CIA guy pretty much indicated that those people were Arabic in decent. The big gaping hole in the theory was that the militia groups (which were identified as white supremacists) were working with Islamic terror groups. I don’t see racists getting along well with zealots of another color.

Just thought I’d pass it on.

5 Responses to “Foily Hat Time”

  1. cube Says:

    there is the possible phillipines connectin between the guy who help mcviegh and one terrorist

  2. Phelps Says:

    It isn’t hard to come up with the neo-Nazi link:

    They both hate Jews more than they hate each other
    They both think that they can use the other for the first part of the fight and then turn on them later

    If you want the empirical evidence that suggests that it isn’t a stretch, look at the original Nazi-Arab alliance in WW2.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    As to the towers falling, Nova did a pretty good special on this back in 2002. You can see some of it here. I’m no engineer, but the explanations they gave didn’t seem farfetched or unreasonable. They also used an MIT engineer as their primary source, rather than the government report.

  4. mike hollihan Says:

    I hesitate mightily to wade into these waters, but here we go:

    It’s not widely remembered anymore, but the week of OKC the city was hosting the largest ever meeting of radical Muslims (ie, no outright terrorists, but many of the groups that support and motivate them) outside the Middle East — several thousand Muslims. It’s why Islamic terrorism was the first suggestion for who was responsible. Like I said, not widely remembered any more.

    Terry McNichol has been placed at a Phillippine meeting with Yussuf Ramzi, who was responsible for the first WTC attack.

    How many died at OKC? 168? Wrong — it was 169. There was an olive skinned leg with an army-style boot recovered that has never been identified. Nor has there been anyone come forward to claim it, nor was there anyone injured in the area treated at area hospitals. Some speculate this was John Doe #2, who stayed with the truck and died in the blast.

    Nichols and McVeigh made numerous phone calls to a white supremacist compound (Elohim City) in the days before OKC, all to one man: Andreas Strassmeir. He is the son of a former German defense minister and had lots of ties to the European neo-Nazi movement. Strassmeir was identified very early, but was allowed to leave the country without further questioning. He lives in Europe now, unmolested.

    There are numerous odd questions, which you can explore here.

  5. veery Says:

    There are plenty of pieces of the 9/11 story that don’t make much sense — paper debris far from the PA crash site, poor accounting of scrambled jets, Atta’s passport, the almost instantaneous identification of the perps, the small hole in the Pentagon — but how the towers fell? That’s one part of the story that actually made sense. They buckled. Why would someone fixate on that of all things?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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