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Ah, moving! The scent of leaking gas is in the air!

The missus and I completed our first move as a couple over the weekend. As I sat around surveying the contents of our old house and calculating the enemies I’d make out of friends and relatives if I got them to help me carry all that stuff up stairs (not to mention the favors I’d owe if they helped), I decided to hire movers. It took them six hours Saturday night, so that means without them, I’d still be trying to load up the truck today.

Of course, by “completed our first move,” I mean that all the stuff is now (somewhere) in the new house, on either Levels One, Two, or Three (Note to Future Self: rancher good, tri-level bad). Now we start the laborious unpacking process. Hopefully that means throwing a bunch of crap away. We also get to undo all the crazy things previous owners did, like using a paint roller to apply several layers of paint to all wall plates and outlets, thereby sealing them tightly and securely in place to each other and to the walls.

Other than a gas leak, this was just your standard move. And I don’t want to do it again any time soon. I told someone this morning that coming back to work was like taking a break, and that’s the truth. Now I need to find some side jobs to pay for all the furniture we’ll need. Anybody need any software written? Heh…

One Response to “Moving”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Note on moving from a military man (which means I’ve done it a time or two):

    Go through your stuff and separate out the stuff you no longer need or want before you move. Then separate that into trash and stuff that can go to Goodwill or some other charity.

    This will save you money (if you’re hiring movers) or work (if it’s DIY). Money because movers usually charge my weight, and work because you won’t have to unpack it again at the far end.

    Last move I gave $300 worth of old clothes to Goodwill and the same amount of old books to the local library.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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