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More on Dems and guns

Max Burns (again):

As mentioned earlier in this section, the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) did more to hurt the Democratic Party than to help it. Crime rates resulting from the use of firearms went virtually unchanged during the time of the ban, and many moderate Democrats and swing Republicans abandoned the Democratic Party over what they saw as a completely unjust intrusion on their Constitutional rights.

The vast majority of gun owners in the United States are law abiding citizens who either own the firearm for personal and family protection or to hunt. These are valid reasons for owning a firearm, and owners should not have come under fire for owning them as they did when the AWB was passed and signed.

It is true that owning an assault weapon may worry some Democrats, but the fact that the same weapon with minor modifications could still be sold during the time of the AWB is a fact often overlooked by those seeking to argue blindly for it.

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