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If I were a tree, I’d be the kind that would kick your ass

Violating my own don’t blog about work rules: Sorry for the late start. I had to spend the morning in one of those hippie, tree-hugging, talk about your feelings, change management seminars discussing why I am a valuable team player with valid contributions to shifting the paradigm and leveraging my ass or some shit. It should, therefore, be no surprise that I am filled with profound and visceral hatred for all things, particularly mice. Time I’ll never get back. The SayUncle method of motivational speaking:

Cowboy up, you sniveling little whiner. No one cares what you think and it’s happening whether you like it or not. Grow a pair and shut the Hell up about it. You know where the door is.

As you were.

5 Responses to “If I were a tree, I’d be the kind that would kick your ass”

  1. lobbygow Says:

    those hippie, tree-hugging, talk about your feelings, change management

    I agree with your response to the seminar, but rest assured, it’s the entitlement minded self-absorbed corporatists not the hippies that come up with this shit. Of course, they were posing as hippies in the 60s when they thought they could get some pussy by jumping on the “stick it to the man” bandwagon.

    I hate corporate America, that’s why I’m willing to charge them exorbitant rates for “performance consulting” that I realize they have no intention of using. They just want someone to blame when they arbitrarily downsize to make the quarterly reports look good. I’m happy to oblige. I’m a prostitute, but I’m a damned proud prostitute.

    TEAM – Together Everyone Attends Meetings


    Timid Executives Accept Mediocrity (from the aspiring executive, not from the grunts, white collar wage slaves and beleagured middle managers – they’re mediocre because they’re so damned tired and depressed.)


  2. tgirsch Says:

    but rest assured, it’s the entitlement minded self-absorbed corporatists not the hippies that come up with this shit.

    Hear, hear!

  3. Manish Says:

    Remember, there is no I in team, but there is an M and E.

  4. cube Says:


    I hope you are the boss.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    I like the “Leon” commercial remark, when someone snidely says “No ‘I’ in team, huh?”

    Leon: “Ain’t no ‘we,’ either!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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