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Guns and Dogs

Via Alphie, comes this post by TFS Magnum stating that the CDC should target dogs:

If the issue was preventing deaths and preventing injuries to children, the CDC would be concentrating on the 400,000 injuries sustained by children from dogs.

But that is not the issue for the CDC. The issue for the CDC is to demonize guns. Maybe we need to have dog control.

Many people are pushing dog control and I oppose it just as I oppose gun control.

Also, TFS fact checks

2 Responses to “Guns and Dogs”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Actually, a major reason for me carrying concealed is to dispatch any vicious dogs in the hood that threaten me and mine. People in my hood like to get Pit Bulls and Dobermans and then leave them in the backyard and never play with them to make sure they are good and maladjusted when they jump the fence. So drop that number of children injured by dogs by getting more people to carry guns.

  2. markm Says:

    Phelps, it’s likely my neighborhood is less disfunctional than yours, but I’ve never met a dog I couldn’t handle with a stout stick. OTOH, most dogs could outrun me even when I was a young man, so a gun would be better for protecting others…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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