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The conspiracies begin

Sorry, guys, but if your source is DU, you’ve lost me. The obvious reason is that, you know, exit polling is useless. My theory on why it’s useless has to do with early voting. People who early vote and absentee vote (i.e., have jobs – yes, that statement is crass but there’s a ring of truth to it since elections are decided by only a few percentage points) are more likely to vote in the R column.

7 Responses to “The conspiracies begin”

  1. JC Kingston Says:

    I would imagine that a large number of absentee ballots are from students, who don’t have jobs and lean Kerry.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Could be. However, the youth vote doesn’t seem to be a major player.

  3. JC Kingston Says:

    That’s true. It’s unfornuate, but the kids who registerd just didn’t get out and vote. It will be interesting to see the numbers on how many registered 18-24 year olds actually voted.

  4. Barry Says:

    A lot of Florida ballots are absentee because of seasonal residents.

    Also – I don’t get your equating people with jobs to absentee voters….

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Absentee voters in some cases are business travelers.

  6. LGM Says:

    Say Uncle, aren’t you the same monkey’s uncle that gets his history from Gun & Ammo magazine, i.e. The Battle of Athens (Tenn. 1946)? And you have the gaul to accuse people of wearing tin foil hats? That’s the hat calling the pie tin aluminium colored. Thanks for playing though!

  7. SayUncle Says:

    If you’re gonna try to argue, have some substance that’s at least based on something. But thanks for the comment. And I’m curious how my preoccupation with gun rights (and other rights, for that matter) has to do with conspiracy theories? I own guns so I must be a loon right? And we see why the radical left is losing.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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