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Politicizing the ban in this case is stupid

Murders were up last year in the US to 16,500 and overall crime is down. I thought the asshats that would somehow tie this to the assault weapons ban would be The Brady Campaign or the Violence Policy Center. I was wrong. Today’s asshat is John Edwards. Edwards, who apparently forgot he and Kerry were running for the White House and seems to think Clinton is, says:

Homicides With Firearms Account for Nearly 100 percent of Murder Increase, But Bush Let The Assault Weapons Ban Expire. There were nearly 1,000 more homicides using guns in 2003 than in 2000, while homicides using other weapons were did not have dramatic movement. The increase in firearm homicides accounts for nearly 100 percent of the total increase in homicides. Yet, faced with these facts, the Bush administration refused to take action to keep the deadliest weapons off our streets. (FBI Uniform Crime Report, 2003)

Wasn’t there a ban last year, Johnny Boy? If the rate had increased this year, you may have had correlation. As it is, you’re just full of it. Also amusing is the idea Edwards is portraying that Clinton apparently made crime go away while Bush brought it back. Anything to get elected.

Update: error corrected.

One Response to “Politicizing the ban in this case is stupid”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Murders were up last year in the US by 16,500

    Err, no. Murders were up 1.7% TO 16,503. The number of murders didn’t increas by 16,500.

    Gotta be accurate in those statements. People get confused easily.

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