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Kerry can’t be all bad

After all, he went out and killed some of the most vile creatures on the planet. I hate geese. See here, here, here and here.

By the way, Politically Incorrect Dog and I chased the resident geese out of the subdivision again last night. God, I hate those things.

Update: I’m not a hunter as I’m generally averse to killing things, but I may take it up just for geese. Anyone have the lowdown on geese killin’ in Tennessee? I guess I’d need a shotgun. It’s probably illegal to pick them off in the subdivision with a .22? Though Mr. Blasty would be more fun.

Update 2: Would it also be illegal to leave the dead bodies as a warning to other geese?

15 Responses to “Kerry can’t be all bad”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I never used to mind geese until I moved into an apartment that had a big pond out back that was filled with them. Those fuckers kept honking starting at 6 AM, and I was ready to have goose for dinner for a year.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    That and a flock of 30 of them can turn an acre lot into a pile of turds in about half a day. They just quack and shit. And they’re generally pissy.

    And they made the local park almost uninhabitable by turning it into one big litter box.

    I hate them. Bastards.

  3. skb Says:

    I remember reading a while back that there is a law specifically in Blount Co. and the City of Maryville to permit hunting and firing of weapons anywhere, even in subdivisions. I believe it came up because some people were concerned it was dangerous. Don’t know if it’s still that way and I can’t remember the reason for it. Might check with City Hall and find out…

  4. Drake Says:

    Exterminate them. I can’t stand the diseased shit factories.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    Blame Canada. They are almost certainly Canadian Geese.

  6. Walter E. Wallis Says:

    There is always the popcorn on a long string thing I have heard of.

  7. SayUncle Says:


  8. tgirsch Says:

    I believe they’ll eat the popcorn and the string somehow kills them.

  9. Manish Says:

    Blame Canada. They are almost certainly Canadian Geese.

    That’s so 1990s. Your now supposed to either blame France, or Hollywood celebrities.

  10. Justin Says:

    Instead of Canadian Geese we should call them “Freedom Geese”.

  11. J9 Says:

    To my knowledge, it’s not illegal to leave the bodies on your property. My husband hunts on a private farm. He and his friends cut out the goose breasts (where almost all of the meat is) and throw the rest into the woods. The foxes, vultures, etc. eat what’s left. And that’s legal.


  12. Jay G Says:

    And they made the local park almost uninhabitable by turning it into one big litter box.

    You think geese are bad??? Try turkeys. I’ve had over TWENTY of ’em in my backyard on more than one occasion.

    And the brazen sonsabitches roost on my kids’ swingset.

    I keep threatening to give Bertha (Winchester Model 1300 12 gauge) a good workout one of these days and fill the freezer with Thanksgiving Day turkeys…

    ‘Course, if I was serious about shooting ANYTHING around my house, it’d be the damn groundhogs digging up my foundation…

  13. landowner Says:

    i own a % of a lake on my property and it’s infested with geese. i find them to be a real bother. to remedy the situation i tokk the vermin to task with a varmint rifle, .22 caliber. to make a long story short, the other property owners thoughts my tactics were barbaric and complained. so, to keep my relations peacable I called a local animal control unit to use traps… with the nuisance they had become i still feel corporal punishment is in order… a meeting with mr.blasty is a fitting appointment, though it takes the emphasis off of marksmanship…

  14. landowner Says:

    spelling is also a bother at this ungodly hour

  15. chuck Says:

    A thought about the dead carcass as a warning.
    Believe it or not, but when I was a kid the farmers still nailed what they called chicken hawks to the side of trees as a warning to other hawks.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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